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Colorado’s Romeo and Juliet Law Explained

Posted on 06/24/24

If you or someone you know faces allegations of statutory rape in Colorado, understanding the state’s “Romeo and Juliet” law is key. This legal provision seeks to address instances where young individuals engage in consensual sexual activity, yet one party falls within an age range that could lead to severe criminal charges for the older

Guide to Juvenile Criminal Charges in Colorado

Posted on 08/28/23

Navigating the legal system can be challenging, especially when it involves juvenile criminal charges in Colorado. Like in many states across the U.S., Colorado has laws and regulations are in place to handle minors who engage in unlawful behavior differently than adults.  The Juvenile Court System in Colorado Colorado handles minors under the age of

Underage drinking laws up for debate in Colorado

Posted on 01/24/13

It is the go-to argument for why 18-year-olds should be able to legally consume alcohol: “They can serve our country in the military and carry weapons, but they can’t drink?” Colorado State Senator Greg Brophy sees logic in that argument and is bringing it to the legislative table. Current Colorado drinking laws require a person